Intellectual Property is a key asset for modern businesses.
We can help with guidance and advice to make it work for you.
Registered IP becomes a tangible asset of a company and can help secure funding for growth.
For even the very largest companies IP may be the most important assets the company owns. This can be seen, for example, in the “virtual manufacturer” business model adopted by Apple.

There are several types of Intellectual Property.
We can help you to understand which are the most important to the SUCCESS of your business.
Registered forms of IP include: Patents, Trade Marks and Registered Design Rights (also known as Design Patents).
Unregistered forms of IP include: Copyright, Unregistered Design Rights and Trade Secrets (or know-how/Confidential Information).
More than one type of IP may be relevant to any given business or product.

Third Party Intellectual Property may present a risk to your business.
We can help you identify, understand And Monitor other parties IP rights so that you can mitigate potential risks to your business.
Third party IP rights may hamper your freedom to operate.
Ignorance of a Patent is no defence, it is your business’ responsibility to be aware of any risks.
Companies with their own strong IP Portfolio are unlikely to be seen as a soft target by competitors or third parties.